"First of all, use it as a bullpen and start in fall baseball." You're using a KBO 20-win MVP teammate in ML like this? Smart 'Big Deal Plan'

"First of all, use it as a bullpen and start in fall baseball." You're using a KBO 20-win MVP teammate in ML like this? Smart 'Big Deal Plan'

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"If we can recruit him, we will use him as a reliever in the second half and increase the innings again in September to give him a chance to start in the postseason."

As the Major League trade deadline approaches, there seems to be growing interest in the moves of Garrett Croescher (25, Chicago White Sox). Left-handed fireballer Croescher will play as a relief pitcher until last year after his debut in 2020, Tommy John surgery and rehabilitation, before spending his first full-time season as a relief pitcher this year.

His performance is quite good. He has six wins and six losses with an earned run average of 3.02 in 18 games. He has a WHIP of 0.93 and a batting average of 0.198. While striking out 141 during 101 ⅓ innings, he has thrown out only 20 pitches. Croscher also has exceptions for ball control ups and downs that are common among fire bowlers.

Due to poor team performance, the team failed to accumulate many wins. It ranks 20th with multiple wins in the American League. It ranks seventh in ERA, 14th in most innings, No. 1 in strikeouts, No. 2 in WHIP, and 3 in hit rate. It only lacks multiple wins and innings, proving itself to be the best starting pitcher in the American League in other categories. He ranks first in pitchers with a WAR of 3.7 based on the FanGraphs.

However, this is what the Q&A section introduced by Dear Slatic on the 3rd (Korea time). The reader asked if the club that takes him would be willing to manage Croescher's innings, as Croescher has already played more innings this season (73 innings).

Postseason contenders have to run for good, so can they manage their innings? Surprisingly, however, two National League teams have decided to do so. A source from the club told The Athletic that if they can recruit Kroscher, they will be able to use him as a relief pitcher in the second half of the year and increase the number of innings again in late September, giving him a chance to play as a starting pitcher in the postseason.

It should be seen as personal opinion of the person concerned. It is uncertain whether the manager will agree or not. He showed the strongest performance in the league as a starting pitcher, but could he be used as a relief pitcher at the end of the season to protect his arm and shoulder, and then as a starting pitcher again in the post season? If realized, it would be interesting. 메이저사이트

Through this article, Dear Slatic introduced an overall Q&A session on the trade market. Crochet appeared a lot in the middle. When a reader connected with the Baltimore Orioles, he said Baltimore's farm system was good and there was a possibility. He also viewed the possibility of recruiting the Boston Red Sox positively.

What about the Los Angeles Dodgers, which is scrambling to find a starting pitcher? According to the answer by The Athletic, the Dodgers want Croescher, but the White Sox have decided that it is not necessary to send Croescher to the Dodgers. The destination of Croescher remains unknown for the time being. There are so many teams that want it.

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